
Asian Journal of Business Innovation and Responsibility (AJBIR, eISSN:), formerly known as the Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices (JMAP), is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of business innovation in conjunction with corporate responsibility and sustainability, particularly within the Asian context. Innovation in business is no longer solely about driving profits; it must also contribute to societal well-being and sustainable development. AJBIR encourages contributions that emphasize the integration of innovation with corporate responsibility, particularly in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals provide a global blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future.

AJBIR focuses on specific SDGs, including:

  • SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth – Aiming for inclusive and sustainable economic growth by promoting decent work for all, enhancing productivity through innovation, and supporting access to financial services while ensuring labor rights and reducing inequalities in the workplace.
  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities – Focusing on reducing income inequalities, promoting social and economic inclusion for marginalized groups, and supporting fair access to opportunities regardless of race, gender, or economic status.
  • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – Encouraging sustainable business practices that reduce waste, manage natural resources efficiently, and minimize the environmental impact of production and consumption.
  • While Business Innovation in AJBIR maintains a legacy rooted in advancing marketing strategies and practices, it now broadens its scope to encompass organizational responsibility and sustainability in response to contemporary global trends. Business innovation is not solely about growth but must be coupled with ethical practices, stakeholder engagement, and long-term impact. AJBIR promotes the integration of responsible business behaviors, fostering innovations that contribute positively to society, the environment, and economic systems.

    AJBIR welcomes submissions that offer theoretical insights, empirical research, and practical applications of responsible business innovations. It seeks to bridge the gap between innovative strategies and the responsibilities businesses have toward sustainability.


    AJBIR focuses on responsible business innovation and its contribution to societal well-being and sustainable development, with an emphasis on the Asian context. The journal seeks research that integrates business innovation with corporate responsibility and aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Key areas of interest include:

    1. 1. Responsible Innovation and Sustainability

      Research that explores how businesses can innovate while ensuring ethical practices, sustainability, and long-term societal impact, particularly in alignment with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

    2. 2. Inclusive Growth and Decent Work

      Studies focused on fostering inclusive economic growth, creating decent work opportunities, and promoting equitable labor practices, in line with SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

    3. 3. Reducing Inequality Through Innovation

      Research that addresses how businesses can reduce social and economic inequalities through innovative strategies, supporting SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

    4. 4. Stakeholder Engagement and Ethical Business Practices

      Exploration of how businesses can engage stakeholders—employees, customers, and communities—in co-creating value through responsible and ethical innovation.

    5. The goal of AJBIR is to publish work that not only advances academic knowledge but also offers practical solutions for businesses, policymakers, and communities. We seek papers that provide both theoretical contributions and socially relevant outcomes, ensuring that research impacts both the academic community and broader society. Thus, AJBIR welcomes a variety of research methods, including empirical studies, case studies, and theoretical contributions, with a focus on actionable insights that advance responsible business practices.

    Why Publish with AJBIR?

    Platform for Responsible Business Innovation

    AJBIR provides a unique platform for fostering scholarly dialogue on business innovation, with a strong emphasis on integrating responsibility and sustainability into organizational practices. By aligning research with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the journal bridges academic theory and real-world application, contributing to the transformation of businesses in response to global challenges such as economic inequality, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

    Specialized Forum for Asian Business Context

    AJBIR offers a specialized forum for exploring innovation and responsibility within the dynamic and diverse context of Asia. Researchers and practitioners get an opportunity to delve into challenges and opportunities that are distinct to the Asian business environment, contributing to a deeper understanding of global and regional business dynamics.

    Stringent Peer-Review

    We adhere to a stringent peer-review process conducted by international experts, guaranteeing academic rigor and integrity. Uniquely, we aim to include practitioner reviews where feasible ensures practical relevance and applicability of the research.

    Commitment to Timely Reviews

    AJBIR’s commitment to prompt and thorough reviews ensures efficient publication timelines.

    Maximized Visibility and Impact

    AJBIR ensures that your published work achieves maximum visibility and impact. Our network includes academic institutions, research centers, and business communities, enhancing the reach and citation potential of your research.

    AJBIR Journal Policy

    Publication Frequency

    The Asian Journal of Business Innovation and Responsibility (AJBIR) is published biannually, with issues released in January and July. Submissions are welcome throughout the year. AJBIR does not charge submission or publication fees for Regular Issues. Proposals for Special Issues are also encouraged and can be discussed with the editorial team.

    Submissions and Queries

    Manuscripts and abstracts in English can be emailed for submission year-round to AJBIR Editorial Office at The Regular Issue charges no fees for submission or publication. Proposals for Special Issues are accepted as well. AJBIR publishes in electronic formats.. Direct any inquiries or requests for additional details to the AJBIR Editorial Office.

    Review Process

    Manuscripts undergoing initial screening that meet the journal's standards are advanced to a detailed double-blind peer-review process, carried out by experts in the relevant fields. Authors are required to submit a cover page and a blinded manuscript. The cover page should include the manuscript's title and author details, ensuring the manuscript's body is free from any identifying information to maintain the integrity of the double-blind review. Editors will initially assess each submission for originality and perform a similarity check before forwarding it to the peer-reviewers. The review process typically concludes within one month. Manuscripts not meeting the ethical standards and submission guidelines will be rejected.

    Open Access Policy

    AJBIR is an open access journal. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights. All published articles are freely accessible and downloadable without subscription fee or charge to the users and their institutions. Users are also allowed to read, copy, print, share (online) and distribute the full texts of the articles as well as use them for research projects, lectures, grant applications and any other lawful purposes without having to ask for prior permission from the corresponding authors, the editors or the publisher. Such practice is in line with the definition of open access by Budapest Open Access Initiative. Authors are encouraged to deposit their published articles in institutional or other repositories of their choice, such as ResearchGate or Google Scholar, to promote wider dissemination and increased citation.

    Archiving and Visibility

    All published papers will be archived on the AJBIR website ( to ensure their longevity and visibility. Regular updates about AJBIR, including calls for papers and issue releases, will be posted on our dedicated social media platforms. By way of instance, AJBIR will display your high work on our Facebook and X.

    AJBIR Ethics

    The Asian Journal of Business Innovation and Responsibility (AJBIR) upholds the highest standards of academic, professional, and ethical excellence in publishing. We are committed to integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of our publication process. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to these standards, ensuring the quality and reliability of the work published in AJBIR.

    1. Peer review process:

    All of AJBIR journal’s content, apart from any editorial material that is clearly marked as such, shall be subject to peer-review. Peer review involves soliciting feedback on individual manuscripts from qualified reviewers who are knowledgeable in the relevant field. Detailed information about this process and the related policies of the journal's peer review procedures is available on the journal's website. As such, every manuscript received by AJBIR undergoes an initial editorial review followed by a double-blind peer review. In a double-blind review, the identities of both the authors and reviewers remain concealed from each other. Peer review is essentially the critical assessment of scholarly work by other experts in the same field.

    Reviewers for AJBIR are selected based on their expertise in relevant areas. Their invitation to. review is an acknowledgment of their proficiency, and their performance is assessed after each review. Those who demonstrate consistent and high-quality reviews may be considered for inclusion on the Editorial Review Board.

    2. Authorship and contributorship:

    The attribution of authorship in a manuscript should be reserved for individuals who have meaningfully contributed to the research. Each person named as an author on a journal article must have played a significant role in the project, such as in formulating the research idea, designing the study, gathering data, or analyzing and interpreting the data. Being an author or co-author carries with it a share of responsibility and accountability for the article’s content.

    AJBIR mandates that authors include a statement of contributorship in their manuscript, detailing each author's specific involvement in the research project. Typical contributions warranting authorship might include substantial input in the project's conception, design, the gathering of data, and the analysis and interpretation of the research findings.

    In the case of AJBIR, typically one author is identified as the corresponding author. This individual handles communications with the journal, manages any revisions needed, and addresses inquiries from readers. It's important to note that the corresponding author may not always be the first author; any co-author can take on this responsibility.

    3. Complaints and appeals:

    When a complaint is lodged with AJBIR's editorial team, its legitimacy and gravity are thoroughly evaluated. Simple matters might be resolved swiftly, but more intricate issues could require an in-depth investigation. During such investigations, AJBIR might engage with the relevant parties, scrutinize the manuscript and its review history, and possibly consult with subject matter experts or the editorial board for guidance. Following the investigation, appropriate measures are undertaken by AJBIR, which could include amendments to the manuscript, modifications in the review process, or the issuance of necessary corrections or apologies.

    4. Plagiarism:

    Adhering to strict plagiarism policies is crucial for preserving the integrity of academic and scientific research. Plagiarism, which involves using another’s words, ideas, or work without appropriate credit or permission, is a serious offense. To detect instances of unoriginal content, AJBIR employs the Turnitin. Authors submitting papers to AJBIR should be aware that their work may undergo Turnitin checks at any stage of the peer-review or production process. Allegations of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, are taken seriously and are subject to investigation by the journal's editor. Should such claims seem substantiated, the authors implicated will be asked to provide clarification regarding any content overlap. AJBIR maintains a threshold for acceptable similarity, accepting manuscripts with less than 15% plagiarism. Manuscripts exceeding this limit will be returned to the authors for necessary modifications to reduce the plagiarism. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript with an acceptable level of similarity will result in the rejection of the manuscript by the journal.

    5. Data Sharing and Reproducibility:

    AJBIR emphasizes the importance of accuracy and representation in research data. Authors are encouraged to submit any supplementary data along with their articles. Furthermore, AJBIR advocates for authors to provide comprehensive descriptions of their research methods and data collection procedures, aiding in the reproducibility of the study by other researchers. Reproducibility not only adds to the credibility of research findings but is also a cornerstone of academic integrity. Any instances of data fabrication or falsification will be scrutinized by the journal’s editor, with authors possibly being asked to supply supporting raw data. Editorial Board members may also be involved in examining the paper and related allegations. If the authors' responses to these inquiries are unsatisfactory, their submissions may be rejected, and future submissions could be barred.

    6. Conflicts of Interest:

    Honesty regarding any conflicts of interest is crucial for maintaining the integrity of research. AJBIR requires authors to disclose any potential conflicts, whether they are financial or other substantive issues that might impact the interpretation of their research findings. This includes acknowledging any financial support or other assistance. If conflicts of interest are not declared during submission or the review process and they potentially affect the results' interpretation, the manuscript may face rejection or retraction.

    7. Ethical Approval:

    Authors are obliged to adhere to ethical guidelines for journal publication. This includes obtaining the necessary permissions for conducting research, particularly involving human or animal subjects, and ensuring that such research does not contravene any legal stipulations. Research involving humans must comply with the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki, and animal studies should align with relevant ethical guidelines. Consent must be obtained for all research involving human or animal subjects, following the approval of the research protocol by an ethics committee.

    8. Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing:

    Authors who incorporate generative artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-assisted tools in crafting their manuscripts should limit their use to enhancing language clarity and readability. It is crucial that these technologies are employed under human supervision and control. Authors must rigorously review and refine the outputs, as AI-generated content can sometimes be misleading, incomplete, or biased. It is important to note that AI and AI-assisted technologies do not qualify for authorship or co-authorship and should not be cited as such. In the manuscripts, authors are required to declare the use of any AI and AI-assisted technologies during the writing phase. This declaration will be reflected in the published article. Please be reminded that authors bear full responsibility and accountability for the content of their published works.

    9. Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections:

    AJBIR provides avenues for post-publication discourse, allowing researchers and readers to engage in discussions or address errors through commentaries, letters, or short communications. Errata and corrections are issued to rectify errors or omissions in published works. AJBIR supports the sharing of data and code, encourages post-publication peer reviews, and values community feedback for enhanced transparency and scholarly discourse. Concerns about the validity or ethical conduct of a study may lead to editorial expressions of concern or, in severe cases, retraction of articles containing fraudulent data or serious ethical violations. These practices uphold the integrity and reliability of scientific literature and foster transparent communication within the research community.